1 January 2016

Travel adventures in Macau

Hello...It's me again!

Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I am finally back from my China trip which consisted mostly of two things:
1. reuniting with my beloved family and having a blast
2. eating yum cha everyday

My trip also surprisingly turned into an almost 1 month phone / technology detox (because China blocks everything :/ ). It was definitely nice to not look at a screen everyday and to appreciate the people around me even more!

Now, onto the photos. Here are a compilation of snaps I took in Macau, China (which in my mind is the asian city of casinos).

At the 'Venetian' which is my favourite casino out of all the others I've been to!

FUN FACT: A part of Boys over flowers was filmed here!!

Chinese macca's

More casinos!!

Macau is even prettier when it's lit up at night

My cute grandma!!

Durian pizza (which actually tasted pretty good)

Egg waffle / pancake 

Shoutout to my adorable nephew (who loves minions as much as me)!!

Megan x